Frequently asked questions

Chocolate milkshake
Dulce de leche

  • Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara $95
  • Tlaquepaque $115
  • Tlajomulco $135
  • Tonalá $135
  • Nacional (MEX) $200

Contains 30 scoops per bottle

Liness is WPI (Whey Protein Isolate), free of fillers, gmo's, carbohydrates, gluten free, no added sugar and lactose free.

Bottle of 32oz (2 lb) (907 g) and individual sachets of 30 grams.

Yes, Liness is a safe supplement for daily consumption, even twice a day, as long as you do not have any condition that limits protein intake.

Of course! Liness helps to improve gastrointestinal function, so consuming it at night helps to avoid sleeping with a feeling of heaviness and bloating.

Yes, it is a safe supplement to consume during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding as long as you do not have any condition that limits protein intake.

Yes, it is safe for people with diabetes since Liness does not contain sugar as a sweetener it contains natural stevia extract.

Yes, it is safe for people who cannot ingest gluten since Liness does not contain gluten.

Yes, it is safe since Liness does not contain lactose.

Yes, since Liness does not contain carbohydrates.

Liness is safe for children as young as 2 years old.

Yes, it does not affect you if you have acne as it does not contain B12.

Contains potent antioxidants, probiotics and digestive enzymes, no fillers, no sugar, no gluten, no lactose and no carbohydrates.

In addition, Liness is WPI 90%, which means the best quality, safe for all age groups and conditions, with an exquisite flavor and unique consistency.